Jo Murray
IWI REPRESENTATIVE (New Election 2020)
Ngati Haua/ Tāwhiu (Whangape) - Te Rarawa & Te Orewai (Pipiwai) – Ngati Hine
Jo has worked in the kaupapa Maori education sector for over 25 years as a Kaiako Putaiao /Taiao (Science & Enviro Ed Teacher), Tumuaki (Principal) & MoE contractor & facilitator. Is a current Trustee for Te Rarawa Anga Mua and the Iwi Representative at Kaitaia College. Other previous governance roles throughout the years includes BOT staff rep, union regional rep and National Union Rep, has been on a number of other advisory and steering groups for regional and national projects.
Jo is currently self employed as an Independent Education Contractor, carrying out kaupapa Māori Environmental & Science focused support, training, wananga & resource development both regionally and nationally.
She continues to work with iwi, hapu, marae, kura and whanau in a in seamless education approach ‘from the cradle to the grave’ - “connecting people to people and people to place”.